Monday, June 9, 2008

2nd Week of Fat Loss Program

I am on my second week of Fat Loss Program. I am using a program I got from the internet from Turbulence Training.
It seems I did not lose any weight last week . The good news are I did not gain weight, I am feeling better and much more motivated. My clothes fit better and i feel stronger so I guess that still counts as an step closer to my goal. I am still at 95 kilos or 209 lbs.
For this week, I guess the best way to lose weight is to be stricter on my nutrition. Will have to use the nutrition program that comes with my recent Turbulence Training program.Will reduce my white carbs intake. 1 cup of rice daily and no pastas and potatoes. One more thing is to increase my intake of fruits and veggies.
I would stop eating cakes, pastries, ice cream. I am also including in my stop to eat list all processed foods like hotdogs.
I would like to say that I will stop drinking fancy coffee concoction but thats a weakness of mine right now. Lessen would be a better word and a very plausible thing to do. Just to up my ante, my goal for this week will be to drink the smallest size instead of the regular size. I hope this works.
I really can't get enough of this coffee buzz thingy though.
So here's to another week of fat loss. Will keep you updated.

1 comment:

Carver said...